”I started training with Diana and Felicia of Base Body Babes a couple of years before I turned 40 as I was worried about loosing bone density. Since then I have never looked back.
BBB have brought a fresh perspective to my ideas about training and feeling strong in my body. The programs they create have helped me transform the shape of my body and continuously progress without bulking up. To back up the weights training program they have supported me with healthy eating plans that are sustainable and effective in gaining lean muscle and loosing that post baby tummy. The support and care I have experienced training with BBB is above and beyond. Thank you both for your on going commitment to bringing health and well being to my life and the life of other women. I feel stronger and fitter today than ever.
- Rachel Green
”There really are no words to describe the impact you have had on my life. You are not simply a trainer; you are a movement towards a greater cause – creating beautiful bodies through mental and physical strength and healthy eating. The Base Body Movement to me encompasses all of the ‘B’ words you make me feel after every training session: Balanced, Bold, Beautiful, Brave and Built strong to combat whatever life throws my way. Base Body Babes, you rock my world and I hope and pray each day that we continue to grow together.
- Pembe Bekir
”As a mother of four who’s pretty time poor I appreciate being able to make my training schedule fit around the daily demands of work and family. Training with the BBB’s has recreated my body into a healthier, leaner shape and importantly, rehabilitated an old lower back injury which has always bothered me. After the first two months of the BBB’s carefully focused weight training and nutrition advice, I felt stronger and more energised, without the challenge of a tough cardio schedule. Now thanks to the BBB’s I find it easy to factor health and wellbeing into my schedule.
- Catrina Ritchie
”I was always so scared of weights but decided to give it a go and now I really look forward to my training sessions with the babes!! Weights change your body like nothing else! I freakin’ love seeing these gradual changes in my body and looking at my progress gives me the fuel to keep going. I'm feeling so proud of my results so far and can't wait to see more changes in the months to come.
- Alecia
”At the age of 42, married for 17 years and with 4 children, I finally decided it was time to do something for myself. I started with the Base Body Babes and never looked back. Within weeks I noticed my body changing. I had never ever in 42 years even entered a gym let alone lifted a weight. I was amazed at the strength I developed and blown away by the kgs that I was able to lift. Words can not express the gratitude I feel towards Diana and Felicia for not only giving me the body of my dreams but for helping me to challenge my own limitations and mindset.
- Monique Levine
”A couple days ago I completed week 2 of my first program. I am really enjoying it SO much. The whole entire thing is perfect - from your dropbox technique videos which I have watched numerous times, to my program design and duration (its great - I can get up at 6 am and be all done by 7 am when I daughters awake). I am a long time early morning exerciser and this program fits seamlessly into my life - and I love the challenge the weights presents.
- Andrea
”I'm only on the second week and absolutely love it! I look forward to getting to the gym everyday after work to do this program. I've tried other programs in conjunction with seeing a trainer and this already is better than anything I have tried! I like the integration of movement with weights opposed to what I've been doing which is mainly stationary weight training (lots of sitting on weight machines)
- Clare