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Ep. 6 – Dr Layne Norton & Holly Baxter Break Down Popular Diets

In this episode we chat with two of the greatest and most respected minds in the health and fitness industry, particularly in the field of nutrition, Dr Layne Norton and Holly Baxter.

We asked them to break down some of the most popular diets and give their thoughts on each, including:

•Flexible Dieting
•Clean Eating
•Intermittent Fasting
•The Vertical Diet
•Gluten Free/Refined Sugar Free/Dairy free
•Carnivore Diet

To hear what these experts have to say about these common diets, tune in to this educational episode.

Thank you for listening and we hope you enjoy this podcast. To follow us all on Instagram:


*DISCLAIMER: All information provided is for entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for individual professional medical advice.

// Simple example of using private variables // // To start the stopwatch: // obj.start(); // // To get the duration in milliseconds without pausing / resuming: // var x = obj.time(); // // To pause the stopwatch: // var x = obj.stop(); // Result is duration in milliseconds // // To resume a paused stopwatch // var x = obj.start(); // Result is duration in milliseconds // // To reset a paused stopwatch // obj.stop(); // var clsStopwatch = function() { // Private vars var startAt = 0; // Time of last start / resume. (0 if not running) var lapTime = 0; // Time on the clock when last stopped in milliseconds var now = function() { return (new Date()).getTime(); }; // Public methods // Start or resume this.start = function() { startAt = startAt ? startAt : now(); }; // Stop or pause this.stop = function() { // If running, update elapsed time otherwise keep it lapTime = startAt ? lapTime + now() - startAt : lapTime; startAt = 0; // Paused }; // Reset this.reset = function() { lapTime = startAt = 0; }; // Duration this.time = function() { return lapTime + (startAt ? now() - startAt : 0); }; }; var x = new clsStopwatch(); var $time; var clocktimer; function pad(num, size) { var s = "0000" + num; return s.substr(s.length - size); } function formatTime(time) { var h = m = s = ms = 0; var newTime = ''; h = Math.floor( time / (60 * 60 * 1000) ); time = time % (60 * 60 * 1000); m = Math.floor( time / (60 * 1000) ); time = time % (60 * 1000); s = Math.floor( time / 1000 ); ms = time % 1000; newTime = pad(h, 2) + ':' + pad(m, 2) + ':' + pad(s, 2) + ':' + pad(ms, 3); return newTime; } function show() { $time = document.getElementById('time'); update(); } function update() { $time.innerHTML = formatTime(x.time()); } function start() { clocktimer = setInterval("update()", 1); x.start(); } function stop() { x.stop(); clearInterval(clocktimer); } function reset() { stop(); x.reset(); update(); }